¡Hola Mis Amigos!

Hi everyone. I cannot avoid this any longer. Avoiding it for this long is very unprofessional of me, I know. I really did mean to come back. In my calendar I wrote out posts for every weekend for the next two months. I was pumped. But then school became very stressful when project after project was thrown my way. After I was finished with those there was student council elections (and library club elections, I am a proud Vice President :D) and then there was finals. I just couldn’t get a break.

Before I knew it a month had passed and then another. For that I am sorry. I love blogging, I love the idea of people reading my writing. But what happens when you don’t have anything to say?  The answer is obvious, you write until you find something to say. But what happens when you forget how to write? Or when you have lost the desire to write? I’ve been feeling like this lately and every time I tried to write a blog post it didn’t sound right. Or I couldn’t get myself to become excited about the topic, much less write about it.

It felt like I was losing more than my writing talent, it felt like I was losing me. I used to define myself as a writer, I wanted to be an author. Now thats just not who I am anymore. When I realized that I was crestfallen, and no amount of writing could help. Not that I am just a writer, I am an artist as well. Sadly, that has been put on hold with all the school work I have been going through. Now that it is summer time, I am trying to do more art projects!

I realize now that change is good, even if its difficult and kind of painful. I don’t know who I am, or what I want to do in the future or the present. But thats what being a teenager is all about, right? Hell, thats what life is about.

Which is why I cannot blog at the moment. I need to take time to discover who I am and I need to focus on school. Lets just say that high school is much more difficult than I thought it would be… And its about to get a lot harder. Who in their right mind takes AP Economics? Lets just leave it at someone who is not in their right mind. To make it worse, college is just around the corner. Something that is very hard to get used to when college used to be this mystical, far off thing.

This is not going to be the end of the Odd Land of Me. I hope that one day I will be able to return. I just need to take a break and I needed you all to know that.

But if you really need more of Odd Taylor, head to my Pinterest. I am addicted to pinning!

Thank you so much for being the best blogging community! I have been endlessly inspired by you guys and you welcomed me with open arms. I hope to write for you again. 😀

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